ASA Dental

Extracting forceps for children

In case you do not find the product among those offered, you can contact us at or 03 425 62 00. We can supply you with everything from the listed supplier.

# Picture Article Packing
ASA0110-22S Klešče - lower molars
Klešče - lower molars
1 pcs
ASA0110-37 Forceps - upper premolars
Forceps - upper premolars
1 pcs
ASA0110-38 Forceps - lower incisors and canines
Forceps - lower incisors and canines
1 pcs
ASA0110-51S Forceps - upper roots
Forceps - upper roots
1 pcs
Klešče - lower molars

# ASA0110-22S

Klešče - lower molars
Pakiranje: 1 pcs
Forceps - upper premolars

# ASA0110-37

Forceps - upper premolars
Pakiranje: 1 pcs
Forceps - lower incisors and canines

# ASA0110-38

Forceps - lower incisors and canines
Pakiranje: 1 pcs
Forceps - upper roots

# ASA0110-51S

Forceps - upper roots
Pakiranje: 1 pcs